Thursday, April 3, 2008

SCWCD Quick Revision Notes

SCWCD Revision Notes


The Servlet Model


GET is the most common HTTP method. It is used to request a resource from the server.


The Structure and Deployment of Modern Servlet Web Applications


Similar to JAR, which is used to package Java class libraries, WAR (Web Application Archive) is used to package web components in a J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) application.


The Servlet Container Model


The getServletContext() method of the GenericServlet class returns a ServletContext object that contains information regarding the server environment in which the servlet is running.


Designing and Developing Servlets to Handle Server-side Exceptions


The sendError() method of the HttpServletResponse interface returns an error message to the client according to the specified status code. Every HTTP response returned from the server begins with a status code. For example, the status code range 2xx (200's) indicates Success.


Designing and Developing Servlets using Session Management


State management is the ability to maintain a client's current state by passing client-specific information between the client and the server. In contrast, session management provides an association between the client and the server, which allows server to uniquely identify each client. This association persists across the requests for a specified period of time. Allowing clients to select the background color of their HTML pages is an example of state management. With state management, the client identity can't be maintained. For example, 2 clients select red as their background color. With only state management, the server can determine the preferred background color for each of these clients but it cannot distinguish one client from the other. The solution to this is the session management, which is the superset of state management and maintains both state as well as identity.


Designing and Developing Secure Web Applications


Authentication vs Authorization - Designing and Developing Secure Web Applications. Authentication: Verifying the user, e.g. asking for ID/password at the time of login. There are different types of authentication - BASIC, DIGEST, FORM, and CLIENT-CERT. Authorization: An authenticated user is allowed to access a particular resource. A user may be authenticated but still not have access to all the resources.


Designing and Developing Thread-safe Servlets


The simplest way to ensure thread safety in a Java servlet is to implement the SingleThreadModel interface, by doing which the web server guarantees that no more than one thread can execute service(), doGet(), doPost() methods at a time for a particular servlet instance. In case SingleThreadModel interface is implemented, the service(), doPost(), doGet() methods cannot be executed concurrently.


The JavaServer Pages (JSP) Technology Model


Scripting elements are used to include scripting code (normally Java code) within the JSP. The three types of scripting elements are:

Declarations (e.g., <%! int i=4; %>)

Scriptlets (e.g., <% for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { out.println("The counter is:" + i); } %>)

Expressions (e.g., <% =myBean.getNumber() %>)


Designing and Developing Reusable Web Components


The JSP directives serve as messages to the JSP container from the JSP. Directives are characterized by '@' and are used to set global values such as class declaration, methods to be implemented, output content type, etc. They do not produce any output to the client. The 3 directives are as follows:

The page directive (e.g., <%@ page import="*" buffer="10k" %>)

The include directive (e.g., <%@ include file="myFile.html" %>)

The taglib directive (e.g., <%@ taglib url="" prefix="tt" %>)


Designing and Developing JSP Pages using JavaBeans Components


Actions are specific tags that affect the runtime behavior of the JSP and the response sent back to the client. The standard action types are:

<jsp:useBean> (e.g., <jsp:useBean id="myBean scope="application" class="mypackage.MyBean" />)
<jsp:setProperty> (e.g., < jsp:setProperty name="myBean" property="word" />)
<jsp:getProperty> (e.g., <jsp:getProperty name="myBean" property="word" />)
<jsp:param> (e.g., <jsp:param name="paramname" value="paramvalue" />)
<jsp:include> (e.g., <jsp:include page="filename" />)
<jsp:forward> (e.g., <jsp:forward page="url" />)
<jsp:plugin> (e.g., <jsp:plugin type="applet code="mypackage.MyApplet" codebase="/classes" height="100" width="100"> )

The Java objects within a JSP page can be associated with a scope attribute defining where there is a reference to the object and when that reference is removed. Following are the various scopes that can be associated with a newly created object. The object inside application scope is the most visible or accessible followed by session, request, and then page inside which an object is least visible.

Application - An object inside an application scope is accessible from all the pages that belong to the particular application.

Session - An object inside session scope is visible from all the pages belonging to the session in which it was created.

Request - An object inside a request scope is accessible from all the pages processing the request where the object was created.

Page - An object inside a page scope is accessible only from the page in which it was created.


Designing and Developing JSP Pages Using Custom Tags


JSP tags can cooperate with each other by sharing objects. The object created by the enclosing tag of a group of nested tags is available to all the inner tags. Here is an example:

<tt:innerTag />


Designing and Developing a Custom Tag Library


The JSP custom tags are extensions to the JSP language. These are usually distributed in the form of a tag library, which defines a set of related custom tags and contains the objects that implement the tags. Some examples of tasks that can be performed by custom tags include operations on implicit objects, form processing, accessing databases, etc.


Design Patterns


The most popular JSP Architecture is a server side implementation of the popular MVC (Model View Controller) design pattern. Here the Servlet represents the Controller, JSP the view, and JavaBean maps to the model. The servlet takes the request from the client (browser), instantiates/creates the JavaBean, and forwards the request to the JSP. Finally, JSP, which represents the view, sends back the response to the client


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