Thursday, April 3, 2008

Quick Reference for SCWCD set 1

1. JSP Directives (Directives are used during the translation phase; all otherelements are used during request processing phase)

1.1. <%@ include file={static hltml file or regular jsp file} %> ß includes file as part of thetranslation unit, which is compiled into a servlet; a page may include multiple includedirectives

1.2. <%@ page{…} %> ß assigns various page-dependent attributes; defaults are given below

1.2.1. language= “java”

1.2.2. contentType= “text/html”

1.2.3. import=“java.util.Date, java.util.DateFormat” {may have more than one importassignments via multiple page directives}

1.2.4. session=“true” (if set to false, the implicit session variable is not available to scripting elements)

1.2.5. isErrorPage= “false” (set to true if this page is used as anerror page, and it will have the implicit exception variable available to scripting elements)

1.2.6. errorPage=“…” (no default; page-relative or context-relative URI to redirect toin case exception thrown)

1.2.7. autoFlush=“true” (if false, throws exception when buffer is full)

1.2.8. buffer=“8kb” (defines size of buffer; “none” to disable buffering)

1.2.9. info=“…” (no default; used by server administrative tool as a description ofthe jsp page)

1.2.10. isThreadSafe= “true” (if set to false, then will useSingleThreadModel)

1.2.11. extends=“…” (no default; fully qualified classname to extend; class mustimplement JspPage or HttpJspPage interface)

1.3. <%@ taglib {…} %> ß declares a tag library, containing customactions, that is used in the page

1.3.1. prefix= “…” (mandatory; no default; specifies prefix to use in the action element names for all actions in thelibrary)

1.3.2. uri=“…” (mandatory; no default; either a symbolic name for the tag libraryin the web.xml file or a page- or context-relative uri for the library’sTLD or JAR file)

2. JSP Scripting Element - Declaration

2.1. <%! String mystring = new String(“hello”); %>

2.2. must be avalid java variable declaration; declares instance variables of the JSPimplementation class; thread-safe alternative is to declare variables inscriptlets, so they are local variables

2.3. may alsodeclare methods within a Declaration element

2.4. JSP implicitvariables are not visible in a declaration element, since they are declaredwithin the _jspService() method.

3. JSP Scripting Element - Expression

3.1. <%= 1+2 %> or <%= mystring %>

3.2. must becomplete valid java expression that results in or can be converted to a string.

3.3. all JSPimplicit variables are visible in an expression element

4. JSP Scripting Element - Scriptlet

4.1. <% if (1+2==true) { %> yippee!! <% } else { %> boohoo!! <% } %>

4.2. scriptletcode fragments are combined with code for sending template data between them tothe browser; the combination of all scriptlets in a page must form valid javacode

4.3. all JSPimplicit variables are visible in a scriptlet element

5. XML-Based Tags

5.1. Directive: <jsp:directive.{pageinclude} attrib= “value” /> ; taglib declared as an xml namespace, e.g. <jsp:root …xmlns:taglib-prefix= “uri-of-taglib” … > … </jsp:root>

5.2. Declaration:<jsp:declaration> … </jsp:declaration>

5.3. Expression:<jsp:expression> … </jsp:expression>

5.4. Scriptlet:<jsp:scriptlet> … </jsp:scriptlet>

6. JSP Action Elements

6.1. <jsp:forward page= {page- or context-relative uri of jsp or servlet} /> ß uses RequestDispatcher to forward control to another resource; seeRequestDispatcher.forward restrictions

6.2. <jsp:includepage= {page- or context-relative uri of jsp or servlet} flush= “true” /> ß uses RequestDispatcher to include outputfrom another resource; see RequestDispatcher.include restrictions

6.3. <jsp:useBean{…} > ß associates a java bean with a name in one of the JSP scopes and also makes itavailable as a scripting variable; instantiates the bean if it doesn’talready exist as the given id

6.3.1. class = {fully qualified classname for the bean}

6.3.2. id ={java variable name to use} ß variable name is made available via <jsp:getProperty..> as well as a scriptingvariable

6.3.3. scope ={page(default), request, session or application}ß stores bean object in pageContext, request, session or context attribute,respectively

6.3.4. type ={optional; defines a type to which the bean should be cast; classmust be a subclass of type or, if type is an interface, class must implement type}

6.3.5. beanName ={optional; the beanName parameter as expected by thejava.beans.Beans.instantiate() method}

6.3.6. Note:jsp:useBean action element can have a non-empty body, e.g. a jsp:setPropertyaction; the body will be executed for newly instantiated beans only

6.4. <jsp:setProperty {…} /> ß sets value of myClock’sproperty(s)

6.4.1. name= “myClock”

6.4.2. property=“date” (if “*”, then will set all properties with names matchingrequest parameters)

6.4.3. param=“…” (optional; explicitly specifies a request parameter that holdsvalue to use for specified property)

6.4.4. value=“…” (optional: explicitly specifies a value to assign to the property;value cannot be used in conjunction with param; value can be set equal to an expression e.g. value= “<%= newjava.util.Date()%>”)

6.4.5. ifproperty value is a String, it is converted to the target property’stype, e.g. Float.valueOf(String)

6.5. <jsp:getProperty name= “myClock” property= “date” /> ß same as the expression < %>

7. JSP Implicit Variables

7.1. request: the HttpServletRequest object for the current request

7.2. response: the HttpServletResponse object for the current request

7.3. session: the HttpSession as per request.getSession(); you may call session.invalidate()to implement a logout

7.4. application:the ServletContext as per GenericServlet.getServletContext(); application.log()can be used to write to the application log file

7.5. out:assigned by web container to a concrete subclass of JspWriter (which emulatessome of the functionality found PrintWriter and BufferedWriter, but throwsIOException unlike PrintWriter)

7.6. exception:only available in error pages

7.7. config: theServletConfig as returned by GenericServlet.getServletConfig()ß used by web container to pass info to servlet or JSP duringinitialization (e.g init parameters, context, servletname)

7.8. pageContext:used by the container; a pageContext instance provides access to all of thescopes associated with a JSP page, provides access to several page attributesandall the JSP implicit variables. A unique instance of this object is created bythe web container and assigned to the pageContext variable for each request, andis used in the JSP implementation class (servlet) to initialize the JSP implicitvariables.

7.9. page:assigned to the instance of the JSP implementation class (servlet) declared asan Object

8. Custom Action Elements

8.1. Custom actions let you encapsulate logic and make it available to page authorsin a familiar format. Using these actions, the amount of Java code in JSP pagescan be kept to a minimum, making the application easier to debug and maintain. The steps for creating and using custom actions are as follows:

8.2. Step 1: Develop Tag Handler Class

8.2.1. A custom action is basically a bean (specifically, a tag handler class) withproperty setter methods corresponding to the custom action element’sattributes (attrib-1..attriib-n).

8.2.2. The taghandler class must also implement one of two Java interfaces (Tag or BodyTag)

8.2.3. The Tag Interface The Tag interface defines the basic protocol between a Tag handler and JSP pageimplementation class. It defines the life cycle and the methods to be invoked atstart and end tag. publicvoid setPageContext(PageContext pc) - Called by the page implementation prior todoStartTag() to make the JPS’s PageContext available to the tag handler publicvoid setParent(Tag t) - Set the current nesting Tag of this Tag. Called by thepage implementation prior to doStartTag(). publicTag getParent() - Returns the current parent publicint doStartTag() throws JspException - Process the start tag for this instance. Returns SKIP_BODY to skip body evaluation and go next to doEndTag(). Returns EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE to evaluate body into existing outstream before calling doEndTag() ß only valid when implementing Tag I/F Returns EVAL_BODY_TAG to create a BodyContent to process the bodybefore calling doEndTag() ß only valid when implementing BodyTag I/F public int doEndTag() throws JspException - Process the end tag. This method will be called on all Tag objects. You must implement this at aminimum. Returns SKIP_PAGE to skip evaluating the rest of the Jsp page after returningfrom the custom action. Returns EVAL_PAGE to continue evaluating the rest of the Jsp pageafter returning from the custom action. public void release() - Called on a Tag handler to release state for garbagecollection. The page compiler guarantees this method will be called on all taghandlers, but there may be multiple invocations on doStartTag and doEndTag inbetween. release() should release all objects created by tag handler and thencall super.release(). Note: The tag handler gets a copy of theJSP’s PageContext when the implementation calls setPageContext(..) Note: Call pageContext.getOut() to get aJspWriter for printing output

8.2.4. The TagSupport Class In order to implement the Tag interface, a class may extend the TagSupportclass, which includes a basic implementation of the Tag interface. It alsoincludes: public static final Tag findAncestorWithClass(Tag from, java.lang.Class klass) -Returns the nearest ancestor that implements the interface or is an instance ofthe class specified. This class is used for coordination among cooperating tags.

8.2.5. BodyTag Interface The BodyTag interface extends Tag by defining additional methods that let a Taghandler access its body. publicvoid setBodyContent(BodyContent b) ß Setter method for the bodyContent property. This method will not be invoked ifthere is no body evaluation. publicvoid doInitBody() throws JspException ß The method will be invoked once per action invocation by the pageimplementation after setBodyContent() call and before the evaluation of thetag's body into that BodyContent. This method will not be invoked if there isno body evaluation. publicint doAfterBody() throws JspException ß This method is invoked after every body evaluation. The pair "BODY --doAfterBody()" is invoked initially if doStartTag() returned EVAL_BODY_TAG, andit is repeated as long as the doAfterBody() evaluation returns EVAL_BODY_TAG

8.2.6. BodyTagSupport Class In order to implement BodyTag, a class may extend the BodyTagSupport class,which includes a basic implementation of the BodyTag interface. It alsoincludes: publicBodyContent getBodyContent() ß Get current bodyContent; bodyContent.getString() will return the bodyevaluation as a String publicJspWriter getPreviousOut() ß Get surrounding out; getPreviousOut().print(getBodyContent().getString()) willprint the body output to the surrounding out.

8.3. Step 2: Support Variable Declaration via Custom Action

8.3.1. Step A: Place Object in a Variable Scope ß The object must be placed in one of the JSPscopes, so it can be found by findAttribute() in Step B and assigned to the variable. This must be done in the tag handler using the setAttribute method for theappropriate scope object (pageContext, request, session, application)

8.3.2. Step B: The TagExtraInfo Class ß this must be defined in orderfor the container to create and assign a scripting variable When you develop a tag handler for an action that introduces an object, you mustalso create a subclass of the TagExtraInfo class and override its getVariableInfo() method. The JSP container consults an instance of this class when it generates the codefor the custom action by calling its getVariableInfo() method: publicVariableInfo[ ] getVariableInfo(TagData data)ß returns info on scripting variables defined by this tag (an array containingone VariableInfo element per scripting variable). Each VariableInfo is createdby new VariableInfo(String id, String classname, boolean declare, int scope).scope can be AT_BEGIN - variable is visible after start tag. Handler must give the variable a value and save it in one of the JSP scopeswithin the doStartTag() method, and can also modify the value in doAfterBody(). AT_END- variable is visible after end tag. Handler must make variable visible at thevery latest in the doEndTag method. NESTED- variable is visible only within the start/end tags. Handler must make variablevisible in either doStartTag() or doInitBody(), and can also modify the value indoAfterBody() The container passes in as a parameter the translation-time TagData instance, which holds a list ofattributes accepted by the custom action.

8.4. Step 3: Create Tag Library Descriptor (TLD)

8.4.1. An XML file that maps all custom action names to the corrresponding tag handlerclasses, and describes all attributes supported by each custom action for syntaxvalidation.

8.4.2. <taglib> ß mandatory

8.4.3. <tlibversion>1.0</tlibversion> ß mandatory

8.4.4. <jspversion>1.1</jspversion> ß optional; default is 1.1

8.4.5. <shortname>test</shortname> ß mandatory; used by authoring tools; indicates the default prefix for the actionelements

8.4.6. <uri>/testlib</uri> ß optional; intended for use by authoring tools as default value for uriattribute in a taglib directive

8.4.7. <info> my very first tag library </info> ß optional; to be used by graphical tools

8.4.8. <tag>

8.4.9. <name>hello</name>

8.4.10. <tagclass>testaction.helloworld.HelloWorldTag</tagclass>

8.4.11. <teiclass>testaction.helloworld.HelloWorldTagExtraInfo</teiclass> ß optional

8.4.12. <bodycontent> {empty or JSP(default) or tagdependent} </bodycontent> ß optional

8.4.13. <info>a tag to say hello</info> ß optional

8.4.14. <attribute> <name> attriib-1 </name> <required> {true or false(default)} </required> <rtexprvalue> {true if expression allowed, orfalse(default)} </rtexprvalue> </attribute>

8.4.15. </tag>

8.4.16. </taglib>

8.5. Step 4: Include a Taglib Directive in the JSP Page

8.5.1. Option 1: <%@ taglib uri= “/WEB-INF/tlds/testlib.tld” prefix= “test” %>

8.5.2. Option 2:<%@ taglib uri= “/WEB-INF/lib/testlib.jar” prefix= “test” %>ß this sets the uri to a JAR file in WEB-INF/lib whichcontains the TLD file & all class files as follows: The tld file must be stored in META-INF directory, and the class files must be in their package hierarchy Not allJSP 1.1 compliant containers support this notation; so if not supported, extractthe TLD file, and point directly to it as in Option 1

8.5.3. Option 3: <%@ taglib uri= “/testlib” prefix= “test” %> ß this sets the uri to asymbolic name which is mapped to an actual TLD in the web.xml file, as follows: <web-app> … <taglib> <taglib-uri>/testlib</taglib-uri><taglib-location>/WEB-INF/tlds/testlib.tld</taglib-location> </taglib> …</web-app> This isuseful when you upgrade to a newer version of a tag library and want to changethe name of the file for all JSP pages in one place

8.6. Step 5: Call Custom Action from JSP Page

8.6.1. <prefix:action attrib-1=value-1 … attrib-n=value-n> {optional-body} </prefix:action> ß may or may not include body; body can consistof other custom tags or jsp code

8.6.2. <prefix:action attrib-1=value-1 … attrib-n=value-n /> ß does not include body

8.7. Step 6: Custom Action Syntax Validation

8.7.1. During JSP translation phase, container compares each custom action element to thespecification of the custom action element in the TLD: Verifies that name of custom action matches a name in the TLD for the prefix Verifiesthat no required attribute is missing, and that any attribute supplied isspecified in the TLD CallsisValid(TagData data) in handler’s TagExtraInfo class to run additionalprogrammer-defined validation checks, e.g. {if(data.getAttribute(“attrib1”)!=null…) returnfalse}.

8.8. Step 7: Custom Action Code Generation

8.8.1. During the JSP translation phase, custom action calls are converted to codeembedded within the JSP servlet class as follows: Instanstiate new tag handler class setPageContext() and setParent() setAttribute-1(value-1) to setAttrbute-n(value-n) doStartTag() processbody as follows, but only if there is a body and doStartTag() returnsEVAL_BODY_TAG setBodyContent(out) - get and initialize a new BodyContent object (a JspWriter) to capture bodyoutput doInitBody() - prepare for the 1stpass through the body, perhaps setting scripting variables that are madeavailable to the body doAfterBody() after processing BODY - if returns EVAL_BODY_TAG,then repeat this step; if SKIP_BODY, then continue to doEndTag() doEndTag() ß if returns SKIP_PAGE, then return from Jspimplementation class; if returns EVAL_PAGE, then continue with page evaluation Repeatstarting at setAttribute step for additional calls to same custom action usingsame set of attributes within the same JSP page Callrelease() after last invocation of custom action in order to release state

9. JSP Page Lifecycle

9.1. The Translation Phase includes the following and is initiated either (1) whenthe first request for a new or updated JSP page is received, or (2) atdeployment time, depending on the application server

9.1.1. Page Translation: The JSP page is translated into Java servlet code.

9.1.2. JSP PageCompilation: The servlet code is compiled into a JSP pageimplementation class.

9.2. The Execution / Request-Processing Phase includes the following and is the sameas for a regular servlet.

9.2.1. Load Class: The JSP page implementation class is loaded by the JVM.

9.2.2. CreateInstance: The JSP page implementation class is instantiated.

9.2.3. CalljspInit: jsp_init() is invoked when the JspPage is initialized. At this pointgetServletConfig() will return the desired value.

9.2.4. Call_jspService: _jspService corresponds to the body of the JSP page. This method isdefined automatically by the JSP processor and should NEVER BE DEFINED BY THEJSP AUTHOR.

9.2.5. CalljspDestroy: jsp_destroy() is invoked when the JspPage is about to be destroyed.

10. Java Pattern: Business Delegate


10.1.1. Use a Business Delegate to reduce coupling between presentation-tier clients andbusiness services. The Business Delegate hides the underlying implementationdetails of the business service, such as lookup and access details of the EJBarchitecture.


10.2.1. The Business Delegate acts as a client-side business abstraction; it provides anabstraction for, and thus hides the implementation of the business services. Using a BusinessDelegate reduces the coupling between presentation-tier clients and the system'sbusiness services.

10.2.2. TheBusiness Delegate may shield clients, from possible volatility in the implementation of the business service API. Potentially, this reduces thenumber of changes that must be made to the presentation-tier client code whenthe business service API or its underlying implementation changes. However, theBusiness Delegate maystill require modification if the underlying business service API changes.

10.2.3. The mainbenefit is hiding the details of the underlying service. For example, the clientcan become transparent to naming and lookup services.

10.2.4. TheBusiness Delegate also handles the exceptions from the business services such as EJB exceptions,JMS exceptions and so on. The Business Delegate may intercept such service levelexceptions and generate application level exceptions instead. Application levelexceptions are easier to handle by the clients, and may be user friendly.

10.2.5. Thedelegate may cache results. Caching results can significantly improveperformance, because it limits unnecessary and potentially costly round tripsover the network.

10.3.Potential Liability

10.3.1. Increased complexity. This pattern adds a level of indirection to businessservices, increasing the number of objects in the system and making the codeslightly less clear.

11. Java Pattern: Value Objects


11.1.1. to provide a coarse-grained view of remote, fine-grained data.

11.1.2. as alocal-access alternative to entity beans. Like an entity bean, a value objectrepresents a business object, but it doesn't need to provide business methods ontop of its data; it only provides methods to read its data, which makes it an ideal candidate forlocal access rather than remote access.


11.2.1. Improved network traffic and response time. Fewer remote calls are made and lessdata is passed back and forth.

11.2.2. Reduced load on enterprise beans. A client makes only one remote call to theenterprise bean to fetch the value object for the attributes it wants; from thenon, whenever the client needs to use those attributes, it can just get themlocally from the value object.

11.3.Potential Liability

11.3.1. Stale data. Whenever a value object is backed by a volatile set of values (suchas a stock's price and trading volume, for example) it should only be treated asa snapshot of those values.

12. Java Pattern: Data Access Objects


12.1.1. Business components that rely on specific features of an underlying dataresource, such as a particular vendor database, tie together business logic anddata access logic. This leads to a couple of problems:

12.1.2. Applications that use these components are difficult to modify whenthey need to use a different type of resource.

12.1.3. Thecomponents themselves serve a limited segment of the market, since they arelocked into using a particular type of resource.

12.1.4. These problems can be avoided by removing data access logic from enterprisebeans and abstracting data access functionality into a separate interface.Enterprise beans carry out their business logic in terms of operations on thatinterface, which is implemented by a data access object (DAO) appropriate for the type of resourcebeing used.


12.2.1. Separates business logic from data access logic. Hence, changes to the type ofdata source used should have no impact on the data access carried out bybusiness objects and other clients.

12.2.2. Greaterdeployment flexibility. Data access objects represent data sources through aninterface. The implementation of that interface can be configured at deploymenttime.

12.2.3. Resourcevendor independence. Components that use vendor-specific API to access data resources lockthemselves into using that particular vendor. The DAO pattern isolatesvendor-specific code where it can be easily replaced.

12.2.4. Resourceimplementation independence. For example, persistent data store can be implemented by a relational database, an objectdatabase, flat files in a filesystem, etc.. The DAO pattern allows designers tofocus on the behavior of application objects, and deal with data accessmechanisms separately.

12.2.5. Improvedextensibility. New resource types are easy to add, requiring only a new DAOimplementation for the resource type, plus integration of that class into theexisting framework.

12.3.Potential Liability

12.3.1. Increased complexity. This pattern adds a level of indirection to data access, increasing the number of objectsin the system and making the code slightly less clear.

13. Java Pattern: Model-View-Controller


13.1.1. to enable enterprise data to be presented via different views: e.g. HTML, WML, JFC/Swing, XML.

13.1.2. to enableenterprise data to be updated through different interactions: e.g. linkselections on an HTML page or WML card, button clicks on a JFC/Swing GUI, SOAPmessages written in XML.

13.1.3. to ensurethat multiple types of views and interactions do not impact the components thatprovide the core functionality of the enterprise application.


13.2.1. Multiple views using the same model: The separation of model and view allowsmultiple views to use the same enterprise model. Consequently, an enterpriseapplication's model components are easier to implement, test, and maintain,since all access to the model goes through these components.

13.2.2. Easiersupport for new types of clients: To support a new type of client, you simplywrite a view and controller for it and wire them into the existing enterprisemodel.

14. Other Java Patterns (mentioned in Sun Web Component Developer sample and actualexams)

14.1.Front Component: Provides centralized dispatching of requests, e.g. via a controller servlet; enablescentralized handling of security, navigation, and presentation formatting

14.2.Façade: Provides a layer between clientsand subsystems of a complex system; shields clients from subsystem components,making the subsystems easier to use.

14.3.Factory: Handles requests for object creation

14.4.Singleton: A class which can have at most oneinstance

14.5.Template Method: The key idea is that there isa basic algorithm we want to staythe same, but we want to let subclasses vary how they do the steps. The TemplateMethod says to define the algorithm in the parent class, but implementations ofthe steps in the subclasses.

14.6.Bimodal Data Access: Under certain conditions,allows designer to trade off data consistency for access efficiency. JDBC providesread-only, potentially dirty reads of lists of objects, bypassing thefunctionality, and the overhead, of Entity enterprise beans. At the same time,Entity enterprise beans can stillbe used for transactional access to enterprise data. Which mechanism to selectdepends on the requirements of the application operation.

14.7.Session Entity Façade: Being an instance ofthe Facade pattern, this pattern shares its applicability. In the context of J2EE application development, use the Session Facade pattern when youwant to provide a simple interface to a complex subsystem of enterprise beans orwhen you want to reduce communication and dependencies between client objectsand enterprise beans.

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