Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Listeners-Points to note


Getvalue() method of AttributeEventlisteners return old value of attribute if it is replaced.

<listener-class> is only required attribute for <listener> in web.xml
Container uses DD to determine notification order of registered listeners


For example,

public class Test1 implements ServletRequestAttributeListener


            public void attributeAdded(ServletRequestAttributeEvent event)


            System.out.println("-- test1 attributeAdded--");






public class Test2 implements ServletRequestAttributeListener


            public void attributeAdded(ServletRequestAttributeEvent event)


            System.out.println("-- Test2 attributeAdded--");

















[4/15/08 15:34:46:392 IST] 000000c9 SystemOut     O -- test1 attributeAdded--

[4/15/08 15:34:46:392 IST] 000000c9 SystemOut     O -- Test2 attributeAdded--

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