Thursday, March 27, 2008


For example, let's suppose I keep a database with up-to-date information about weather in the United States, and I want to distribute that information to anyone in the world. To do so, I could publish the weather information through a Web Service that, given a ZIP code, will provide the weather information for that ZIP code.

The clients (programs that want to access the weather information) would then contact the Web Service (in the server), and send a service request asking for the weather information. The server would return the forecast through a service response. Of course, this is a very sketchy example of how a Web Service works. We'll see all the details in a moment.

Figure 1.4. Web Services

Some of you might be thinking: "Hey! Wait a moment! I can do that with RMI, CORBA, EJBs, and countless other technologies!" So, what makes Web Services special? Well, Web Services have certain advantages over other technologies:

· Web Services are platform-independent and language-independent, since they use standard XML languages. This means that my client program can be programmed in C++ and running under Windows, while the Web Service is programmed in Java and running under Linux.

· Most Web Services use HTTP for transmitting messages (such as the service request and response). This is a major advantage if you want to build an Internet-scale application, since most of the Internet's proxies and firewalls won't mess with HTTP traffic (unlike CORBA, which usually has trouble with firewalls).

Of course, Web Services also have some disadvantages:

·Overhead. Transmitting all your data in XML is obviously not as efficient as using a proprietary binary code. What you win in portability, you lose in efficiency. Even so, this overhead is usually acceptable for most applications, but you will probably never find a critical real-time application that uses Web Services.

·Lack of versatility. Currently, Web Services are not very versatile, since they only allow for some very basic forms of service invocation. CORBA, for example, offers programmers a lot of supporting services (such as persistency, notifications, lifecycle management, transactions, etc.). Fortunately, there are a lot of emerging Web services specifications (including WSRF) that are helping to make Web services more and more versatile.

However, there is one important characteristic that distinguishes Web Services. While technologies such as CORBA and EJB are geared towards highly coupled distributed systems, where the client and the server are very dependent on each other, Web Services are more adequate for loosely coupled systems, where the client might have no prior knowledge of the Web Service until it actually invokes it. Highly coupled systems are ideal for intranet applications, but perform poorly on an Internet scale. Web Services, however, are better suited to meet the demands of an Internet-wide application, such as grid-oriented applications.

1.2.1. A Typical Web Service Invocation

So how does this all actually work? Let's take a look at all the steps involved in a complete Web Service invocation.

Figure 1.5. A typical Web Service invocation

1. As we said before, a client may have no knowledge of what Web Service it is going to invoke. So, our first step will be to discover a Web Service that meets our requirements. For example, we might be interested in locating a public Web Service which can give me the weather forecast in US cities. We'll do this by contacting a discovery service (which is itself a Web service).The discovery service will reply, telling us what servers can provide us the service we require.

3.We now know the location of a Web Service, but we have no idea of how to actually invoke it. Sure, we know it can give me the forecast for a US city, but how do we perform the actual service invocation? The method I have to invoke might be called "string getCityForecast(int CityPostalCode)", but it could also be called "string getUSCityWeather(string cityName, bool isFarenheit)". We have to ask the Web Service to describe itself (i.e. tell us how exactly we should invoke it)

4. The Web Service replies in a language called WSDL.

5. We finally know where the Web Service is located and how to invoke it. The invocation itself is done in a language called SOAP. Therefore, we will first send a SOAP request asking for the weather forecast of a certain city.

6. The Web Service will kindly reply with a SOAP response which includes the forecast we asked for, or maybe an error message if our SOAP request was incorrect.

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